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(W) Michael Avon Oeming (A) Scott Kolins. Written by MiKE AVON Oeming Pencils & Cover by Scott Kolins Following the wrap-up of Marvel's legendary Mighty Thor series* Oeming and Kolins travel back in Marvel history to bring you a classic Thor adventure! Stepping out of the past of the glorious days of Kirby* Lee* and Buscema* Thor: Blood Oath presents Thor in his prime* with your favorite cast* including Odin* Balder* The Warriors Three and more! The Warriors Three are put on trial for murder. Standing besides his brothers-in-arms* Thor ties himself to their fate* as they are sent on an impossible journey by the Giants to pay their "weird" a blood price for the killing of a Giant's son. Thor and his three allies will journey across the lands* through Greece* Midgard* Asia and Africa* clash with gods* monsters* the dead* and occasionally each other!
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